Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happenings in May

Well it is that time of year again. Millie graduated from pre-school last week and she definitely is excited about starting Kindergarten in the fall. Wow!

We had 2 great years at Alpine Co-op here in Snoqualmie. I will really miss being so involved in her school year and being able to work in the class 4 times a month.

Next step-Kindergarten!!

We found this dress last week at Costco and Millie has been wearing it A LOT since then. I was working in the kitchen and when I came around the corner, I found Millie in her dress, her cowboy hat and riding on her pony. So of course, we had to take some cute pictures for Mike to see!

Another day, (but the same dress!) we are outside playing with bubbles.


Pre-school Picnic at Centennial Fields

Millie enjoying a picnic at the park with her pre-school friends. Every year the school celebrates the last day with a picnic. (Unfortunately this is the 2nd year of chilly, rainy weather at our picnic.)

But the kids just bundled up and got to play a bit in between rain showers. They always have fun when they get together to play!

Even though we live right down the road, Millie and I had frozen fingers and toes on our wet, chilly ride home.

Despite the slow start to Spring we are still giving our garden a go. Here is our lettuce growing in pots this year to avoid being eaten by our large slug community here.

Flowers are in bloom.

Our shade and herb garden is growing too!

Keeping our garden warm under tarps this year.

The sun is coming out! Yeah

Millie is having fun on her swing! We are so happy on those very rare days this spring when we get some sun.

1 comment:

Gisela said...

You know that I love every single one of those pictures and I will be downloading all of them again. Jipee, more layouts will be done by me of my favorite subject.
Love Oma