Millie thinks its fun to look for fairies outside. Nanna and Grandpa sent us a book with beautiful pictures of fairy houses. Millie found two she liked and together we made a fairy home.
Here is the fairy house...
and here is their vegetable garden.
Our own garden is growing very tall. The tomatoes are taller than Millie now, but still have mostly green fruit. Right now we are getting tired of eating so many zucchini and beets. We have quite a lot of them!
Playing on the tree swing.
Taking a break in the playhouse.
Lola and Grandpa came to visit about 2 weeks ago and we had a delicious BBQ outside. Grilled oysters, mussels, fresh crab and we even had a Peking duck!
Time for grilled oysters.
A summer feast!
Lots of fresh beets!
I feel like we waited 11 long months to get this beautiful, warm, sunny weather. We have definitely been enjoying every minute of it. I love that we spend so much time at home just playing, gardening and lots of relaxing during our favorite season!