So this summer I thought Millie and I would be spending every week at the beach. We had a PERFECT summer for that, but instead we found ourselves at lots of farms instead. Millie loves animals and the farms around Snoqualmie Valley are just amazing. We especially love the open playdates at Fox Hollow Equestrian Farm in Issaquah. For three hours this horse farm/grounds are open to the public. We can play with the animals, swim in the river, bounce on the inflatable bouncy castle, swing on the rope in the barn, have a picnic and ride the kid's tractors on the property. The place looks more like a day spa than horse center!
This is the barn, not the house. The animals are housed inside.
They have lots of cute animals, pigs, horses, baby chicks, peacocks, cats, and of course Millie's favorite-bunny rabbits. This photo was not great, but I could not resist that sweet smile.
Millie relaxing along the fence after bouncing in the castle.
Millie's very good friend, Ronan who joined us for the morning!
And if that farm isn't enough excitment, then we always have Remlinger's Farm in Carnation. We LOVE this place too. It is a kid's amusement park with a farmers grocery store right next door and U-pick fields right down the road. But we like going for the train ride and the pony rides!
Future equestrian?