About 2 weeks ago, Millie was ecstatic to have a visit from Lola (her grandma, Mike's mom). We always look forward to visits! Lola stayed several days with us and we are sad when she has to leave.
The day Lola flew in to the airport, so did the snow flurries. Just when we thought Spring was here for good, the snow and cold returned. I guess March is like that here in the Northwest...
We found these animal tracks on our front steps. We have been playing "detective" trying to figure out which animal they could be made from. Mike and I think it is from a raccoon. That may explain Deli cat's last 2 attacks and injuries. I heard a rumor that raccoons in this area have developed a taste for cats.
Millie was out and about in the snow, but was sad we didn't have quite enough snow to go sledding up and down the streets again...
But we did teach her how to make snowballs! Watch out, she's got a pretty good arm on her!
Another favorite pastime around here is painting. I learned an important lesson. Do not paint on the living room table anymore. The light tan carpet underneath is a bad idea, especially when purple paint spills all over it. Oh, and if the packaging says washable paints, it still does not completely come out of a carpet.
So from now on, we paint on our little table in the kitchen where spills are easy to clean up. Here is little Picasso hard at work on one of her masterpieces...